Initializing a Blank Solid Model

RockWorks | Utilities | Solid | Initialize

Use this program to create a new solid model from scratch, at the dimensions and node spacing you declare. All model nodes will be initialized to a single, user-declared value or assigned randomly.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab. It is not necessary to enter data into the main datasheet because RockWorks will be creating a new solid model from scratch. 
  2. Select the Solid | Initialize menu option. 
  3. Enter the requested menu items, described above. 
  4. Click the Process button to proceed. 
  5. If you've requested that the dimensions be confirmed, the program will display a window in which you can establish the dimensions and node spacing for the new model; adjust these items as necessary.

The program will create a new solid model file, with the boundary coordinates and node spacing you requested, with nodes assigned the requested G value or random number range/distribution. The new model will be stored on disk under the indicated file name.  You will be returned to the main program window.

See also

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