Moving or Copying an Existing RockWorks Project Folder

RockWorks | Project | Folder | Move Project

Each project you work on in the Borehole Manager must have its own folder, called a Project Folder, on your computer.  The Project Folder is where the borehole database (.SDB file) of the same name is created, for storage of borehole data.  Graphic files, grid and solid models, and other accessory files for that project should also be saved in the Project Folder.

You can use the Project | Folder | Move Project menu option to move the files contained in an existing Project Folder to another location on the same hard drive.

! Because RockWorks uses the Windows Move command, it requires that the source and destination folder be on the same drive. Move rearranges the file pointers and does not actually copy a file from one folder to another.

Step-by-Step Summary

Follow these steps to move existing project folders: 

  1. Open the project folder to be moved, if necessary.
  2. Click on the Project | Folder menu at the top-left of the program window.

  3. Select the Move Project menu option.
  4. Browse for the existing folder into which the current project folder (and all of the files it contains) are to be copied, and click OK. 

    If you would like to create a new folder at this time, browse to the location where the new folder is to be created, and then click on the New Folder button.  You will see a "New Folder" item displayed there, with its name highlighted, so that you can type in a name of your choice. 

    ! This process will move both the folder and the files inside the folder, to the new destination folder. 
  5. The existing project folder and its files will be moved to the designated location. 

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