Importing Data from CSV or Excel into the P-Data Table

Borehole Manager | File | Import | CSV | CSV File -> P-Data
Borehole Manager | File | Import | Excel | Single Table | Excel -> P-Data

These Borehole Manager tools are used to read row and column data from a single worksheet in Excel file or from a single CSV file, and import the rows and columns into the P-Data table for a single borehole, or for multiple boreholes if the borehole IDs are listed in the spreadsheet. This is primarily designed for users who have measurements for multiple point-data components, by depths, that can't be easily brought into the RockWorks database using the multiple-worksheet Excel import tool.  The import works with XLSX, XLS, CSV, and TXT files, provided that Microsoft Excel is installed on the user's machine.

! The Borehole Manager P-Data table is restricted to numeric values only.  If you need to import alphabetic or alphanumeric data into RockWorks, use the P-Text import program.

Here is an example of the kind of Excel data that can be brought into RockWorks using this tool; this subset lists measurement depths in the first column, and different geophysical measurements in columns 2 - 9.  The columns can be in any order.

P-Data Import

! This import tool allows you to import one or many columns from the spreadsheet. 
! It also allows you to append new P-data columns to existing drillholes.  For example, if the drillhole already lists ILD and ILM columns, you can add new SP and GR columns to the hole, with the result being all 4 P-Data columns for the drillhole. 
! This tool does not allow you to append new data to an existing column - if the specific column already exists, and you import it again, the original data will be replaced.  For example, if the hole already lists ILD and ILM columns and you import ILD and ILM data again, the original data will be overwritten.

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Step-by-Step Summary

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Borehole Manager. 

  2. If necessary, browse to the project folder in which you want to work. 
  3. Select the File | Import | CSV | CSV File -> P-Data menu option to import from CSV.
    Select the File | Import | Excel | Single Table | Excel -> P-Data menu option to import from XLS or XLSX.

  4. Select the name of the XLS or CSV file to be imported.  The program will scan the file and load the names of the columns in the Input Column Name listing.
  5. Next, specify whether you are importing for a single borehole or for multiple holes using the Import for One Borehole checkbox (as described above).
  6. If you need to define the column names for your borehole project (or add to existing names) click the Type Table button and make the necessary changes to the P-Data Types table.
  7. Map the project's column names to the spreadsheet columns, as described above.  Be sure to map the borehole name column to the Borehole ID field.  You only need to map those columns you wish to import.
  8. Click the OK button to proceed.

The program will read the specified XLSX, XLS, CSV, or TXT file.  It will extract the data from the requested data columns and map them to the indicated database fields.  Any existing P-Data for the requested columns will be overwritten; any new P-Data columns will be added to the database.

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