Saving a Datasheet under a New Name
RockWorks | Utilities | File | Save As

If you wish to save the current RockWorks datasheet under a different file name, use the Save As command. Datasheets are saved in an "RwDat" format.

  1. Access the Datasheet program tab in the main RockWorks window.
  2. Select the File | Save As command or click the Save As toolbar button.

    The program will display a dialog box in which you can specify the name under which the data file is to be saved.

  3. File Name: Type in the name to assign to the data file. Data files are stored with an "RwDat" file name extension. The default path will be the current project folder.
  4. Click the Save button.

The program will save the information in the Datasheet on disk under the specified file name, and will update the default name shown in the Datasheet tab.

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