Zip a RockPlot3D Scene and its Linked Files
RockPlot3D | File | Zip All Linked Files

Because RockPlot3D’s "Rw3D" files can contain links to bitmap images, solid models, and other external files, it can be confusing to keep track of what files to send to co-workers for viewing, or what files you need to keep when you are house-cleaning. RockPlot3D offers a save option that stores the Rw3D file and all linked files as a ZIP file for easy distribution.

  1. Click on the File | Zip All Linked Files menu command.
  2. In the File Name prompt, type in the name for the ZIP file, and then click Save button.

RockPlot3D will create a ZIP-format file containing the Rw3D file and all linked bitmaps, color tables, and other linked files. (All linked file names are displayed in the lower "Linked File List" pane of the RockPlot3D window.) The default file name extension is “.ZIP”.

! RockPlot3D cannot open a ZIP-format file. To later access the contents of the ZIP file, you will need to have a software program capable of extracting files from the ZIP archive.

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