Clipping Two-Dimensional Images

RockPlot2D | Utilities | Clip

This program is used to extract from an existing map or diagram all of the contents that lie within a user-declared rectangular area. The clipped image is displayed in a new, untitled RockPlot2D window.

The clip region is defined either:

This can be used, for example, to illustrate portions of a regional map that lie within your study area or lease. Or, it can be used to clip only particular portions of a diagram for export.

Follow these steps to display a rectangular subset of an existing 2D plot in a new RockPlot2D window.

  1. If necessary, open the diagram to be clipped (see Opening Plot Files) or click in the current RockPlot2D window containing that diagram.
  2. Choose either of the following clipping methods:
  3. The program will determine which items within the plot file lie within the specified coordinates and display these in the plot window.
  4. You can use the File menu commands to save or print the map or diagram, to combine the file with another graphic file, or to exit RockPlot2D.

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