Inserting Data Rows
RockWorks | Datasheet | Rows | Insert Row(s)
Right-click | Insert Row(s)

Use this tool to insert one or more blank rows in the current datasheet.

To insert one or more blank rows in your datasheet:

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Open the datasheet to be manipulated.
  3. Click anywhere in the row before which the new row is to be inserted.
  4. Click on the Rows menu above the datasheet and select the Insert Row(s) option, or right-click and choose Insert Row(s).
  5. Enter the requested information, listed above.
  6. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the window to proceed.

The program will insert the specified number of blank rows above the specified row number. All subsequent rows will be moved down.

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