Save a Playlist
RockWorks | Playlist | Save, Save As

Use the Save and Save As buttons or the File | Save, Save As menu options, to save the current playlist.

  1. Click on the Playlist tab in the main RockWorks program window.
  2. To save the current playlist with the same name or (if Untitled) with a new name, click on the Save button in the toolbar, or select the File | Save menu option at the top of the Playlist pane.
    To save the current playlist with a different name, click on the Save As button in the toolbar or select the File | Save As menu option at the top of the Playlist pane.
  3. If prompted, type in the name for the playlist. Playlists are saved with ".RwPlaylist" file name extensions.

The current playlist will be saved in your project folder.


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