Showing a Summary of the Current Borehole
Borehole Manager| View | Borehole Summary

Use this menu option to have the program scan all of the data for the currently-selected borehole and display a text window that shows a detailed summary of the data types and ranges. The summary includes database key value, well status (enabled/not), name, well location and TD, surface and collar elevations, symbol, optional fields, downhole survey, coordinate extents of the well and the project, and all data fields.

! Note that the summaries will be in your project's Output Units. This will affect you if your project database has mixed units for map coordinates (Easting and Northing) and vertical coordinates (depths, elevations).

The report will be displayed in a RockWorks text window; you can save, print, email the contents using the buttons at the top of the window.

  1. Access the Borehole Manager program tab.
  2. Open the desired project folder, if necessary.
  3. Click on the name of the borehole whose summary is to be displayed.
  4. Choose the View | Borehole Summary menu option.

The program will read the selected borehole record and display the summary results in a text window.

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