Select Patterns for Keywords

For each keyword within LogPlot, you can select a specific pattern to be associated with it. These tools are along the left edge of the Keyword Editor.

  1. Pattern type, color, and density: The pattern design for the currently-selected keyword is shown in the pattern box. The pattern's "index number" is displayed below the sample, for your reference. The design in the pattern box is displayed in the currently-assigned foreground and background colors, at the current density and line width.

    To change the pattern style, color, density, or line width, simply click on the pattern's picture or on the Pattern button. The program will display the Select Pattern window. Here you will see a listing of the designs in the current Pattern file.

    See The Select Pattern Window for details.

  2. Fill Width %: This setting establishes a fill width for the pattern in the lithologic pattern column on the log. In this prompt box, type in an integer value somewhere between 1 and 100. You can also use the up- or down-arrow buttons to adjust the percent fill.

    A keyword with a setting of "100" will be represented with a pattern that fills the entire width of the pattern column on the log. A keyword set to a fill % of "50" will be represented with a pattern that fills only half the width of the pattern column on the log. This is a handy way to illustrate erosional percentages on a measured section.


LogPlot's Keyword Editor and Pattern Editor both access patterns from the Pattern file currently declared as default, in Options | System Files or in the Select Pattern Window itself.


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