Importing the Lithology Types from a RockWorks2002/04 Lithology Table

If you've created a new project in RockWorks or are in the midst of working on a project, you can bring in the Lithology Types from a RockWorks2002 or 2004 "" table or other external ASCII (text) file that is of that format.  The imported Lithology Types will be appended to any existing entries in the current table, and any existing keywords will be replaced by those in the external file.

This option can also be used to import an ASCII export of a Lithology Types table from another RockWorks project database.

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Open your project's Lithology Types Table.  It may or may not yet contain any information.

  1. Select the File | Import from an ASCII File option.
  2. Browse for the folder where the ASCII file resides. 
  3. Select the name of the file that contains the lithology keyword listing.  For RockWorks2002/2004 projects, this file might be named "Lithology.Tab."  The required format of this ASCII file is shown below.

Clay        5/3.0/65280/33023            100  0.3  2
Gravel      39/2.0/65,535/8,323,072      100  0.6  5
Limestone   3/2.0/16,776,960/0           100  0.4  6
Mudstone    53/1.5/13,369,344/16,777,215 100  1    13
Sand        2/2.0/12,320,767/0           100  0.7  8

These tab-delimited columns list (1) the lithology keyword, (2) the pattern index number/pattern density/background color/foreground color, (3) fill percent, (4) density, and (5) G value.

The program will read the contents of the file and append it to the end of the current list.
! Note that if there are any duplicate keywords, those in the current project will be replaced by those in the import file.

  1. If there are any duplicate keywords (it is not a case-sensitive match), you'll see a window that looks like this:

  1. Choose what to do:
    Use Current Database Value: Click on this button to skip the imported version and keep the keyword as it currently exists in the database.
    Replace with Imported Keyword: Click this button to replace the current Borehole Database version of the keyword with the imported version.
    Do this for all cases where the keyword already exists: Insert a check in this box if all duplicates are to be handled in this manner.

  1. Make your desired editing changes to Table. (See Editing the Lithology Types Table.)
  2. Click OK when the table is displayed to your satisfaction.

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