Adjusting the Voxel Model Color Scheme

Step-by-Step Summary

Follow these steps to adjust how 3D solid voxel model is to be colored. 

  1. In the Data pane of the RockPlot3D window, right-click on the name of the solid model to be modified, and choose Options.
  2. Color Scheme: In the Solid Model Options window, locate the Color Scheme drop-down box. By clicking the down-arrow you can see the options. 

  3. Click the Apply button at any time to view the effect of your color changes on the voxel model. You may need to drag the Options window out of the way to view the display. You do not need to close the Solid Model Options window to apply and see the changes.

    ! Using the Apply button tells the program to invoke the changes you have made. You cannot discard changes once they have been applied.

These color schemes can be used with any of the solid model Draw Styles.

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