Borehole Manager Lithology Menu - Summary

RockWorks | Borehole Manager | Lithology Menu

Lithology menu

RockWorks offers a selection of tools for the interpolation of observed lithology data into a solid or "block" model, for display as a 3D voxel diagram or sliced for display as a cross section, profile, fence diagram, or map.  A variety of other lithology tools are available.

Feature Level: RockWorks Standard and higher

See also:
Lithology versus Stratigraphy for details about the difference between these data types
Striplogs for displaying observed data only.

Model-Based Diagrams  -  Model-Based Computations  -  Analysis Tools

Model-Based Diagrams: Interpolate a solid model from the borehole lithology intervals, or read an existing lithology model, for display as:

3D Lithology Diagram
A 3D voxel display of the interpolated lithology model
2D Profile
"Sliced" between two points in the lithology model, with projected striplogs, and color/pattern fills.
2D Multi-Panel Cross Section
"Sliced" between multiple points in the lithology model with vertical striplogs, and color/pattern fills.
2D Multi-Panel Cross Section with Projected Logs
"Sliced" between multiple points in the lithology model, with vertical logs projected onto the panels.
3D Fence Diagram
"Sliced" between multiple points in the study area, with 3D logs and color fills.
2D Geology Map - Surface
Represents lithology materials along a specified surface model.
2D Geology Map - Plane
Represents lithology materials along a horizontal slice plane.
Upper Surface Map
A 2D or 3D map representing the uppermost occurrences of a specific lithology material.
Lower Surface Map
A 2D or 3D map representing the lowermost occurrences of a specific lithology material.
2D Isopach Map
Display the thickness of a specific lithology material as a contour map.
3D Isopach Map
Display the thickness of a specific lithology material in 3D.


Model-Based Computations

Compute volumes of the different material types


Analysis Tools

Lithology -> I-Data
Translate Lithology intervals to I-Data measurements based on a lookup table.


See also

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