Draping Bitmaps Over Grid Models

RockWorks | Utilities | Imagery |
Drape (Lay Image over 3D Surface)

"Draped" bitmaps are images (maps, airphotos, etc.) that are warped over an existing grid (surface) model. This tool does not require a datasheet, but does require that a bitmap image exists already. Supported raster formats include: BMP, JPG, EMF and WMF, PCX, PNG, TGA, and TIFF.

! This tool will stretch the image to fill the grid model boundaries.
! The image and the grid model must reside in the current project folder.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access either the RockWorks Utilities program tab.
  2. Select the Imagery | Drape menu option.
  3. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  4. Click the Process button to proceed.

The program will read the indicated raster image, assign it boundaries that equal the grid model boundaries, assign its pixels the elevations of the selected grid model, and display it in a RockPlot3D tab in the Options window.

  1. You can adjust any of the options along the left (such as offset or transparent color) and click the Process button to regenerate the 3D image.
    Each time you click the Process button, the existing display will be replaced. 
  2. View / save / manipulate / print / export the image in the RockPlot3D window. 

Tip: Use RockPlot3D’s File | Save As to save the draped image view, then use File | Append to append an existing RockPlot3D view to this image.

See also: Rectifying Images if you need to rotate and/or crop the image prior to draping.

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