Importing LogPlot DAT Files - Specify Input Coordinates

Step 4: Select the input coordinates.

This step is used to tell RockWorks the coordinate system and units used in the import files for the drillhole locations; if they are different from the project units, RockWorks will translate them to the data coordinates you've defined for your project.

  1. Click the Imported Data Coordinate System drop-down list to choose the Coordinate system in which the imported DAT file locations are recorded. For your reference, the current project coordinates are shown to the right. This will be the system that should show as default.

    If you do not know what the import coordinates represent, you should select the same units as your project coordinates, and they'll be imported with no changes. Later, should you need to relabel or reproject the data, you can do so.

  2. Horizontal Coordinate System Settings: Use these settings to detail your selected coordinate system.

  3. Vertical Values Settings: Use these to define the units in which the imported depths and elevations are recorded in. For your reference, the project's vertical units are shown to the right. If the imported data are recorded in different units, the program will automatically mutiply the depths and elevations by the value shown in the window.
  4. Click the Next button to continue.

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