Computing Block Model Grade Statistics by Level

RockWorks | Utilities | Volumetrics |
Block Model Grade Statistics by Level

This program reads an existing solid model (.RwMod file) and creates a report which summarizes concentrations by elevation level. You can specify one or more concentration levels. You can request a variety of statistics in the output report, as well request summaries for each level in the model or a user-defined elevation range. This utility is primarily designed for users who are evaluating the ore within a solid model on a level-by-level basis (i.e. mine planning). Typically, the solid model will have already been clipped with an extraction surface (Volumetrics | Extract Solid) or filtered to remove irrelevant nodes.

! This program requires that a solid model containing grade values already exists (Solid | Model, I-Data | Model, etc.)

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Step-by-Step Summary

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Utilities program tab. 
  2. If you will be analyzing multiple grade levels, open or create the datasheet where these levels are listed. Here's an example of how this might look:

If you will be analyzing only one grade interval, you don't need to enter this information into the datasheet.

  1. Select the Volumetrics | Block Model Grade Statistics by Level menu option. 
  2. Enter the requested menu settings, described above. 
  3. Click the Process button at the bottom of the window to proceed.
    The program will read the input solid model and determine those voxels whose Grade values fall within the defined range(s) for each requested level. It will summarize the requested computations in the output report, which will be listed in a datasheet tab to the right.

    Notes: The minimum, maximum, and average values are not totaled, and are not computed for undefined (null) nodes.
  4. You can adjust any of the settings in the Options window and then click the Process button again to regenerate the report.
    ! Each time you click the Process button, the existing report will be replaced.
  5. Use the File | Save menu option at the top of the datasheet tab to save the report as an .RwDat file, for later retrieval into the main program datasheet.

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