Utilities Linears Menu - Summary

RockWorks | Utilities | Linears Menu

Use the tools in the Utilities | Linears menu to read line endpoint or bearing data from the datasheet, generate a variety of different diagrams, and perform computations. This topic summarizes the tools that are available - click on a link or picture for more information.

Table of Contents

Arrow Map Lineation Map
Lineation Gridding Tools Rose Diagrams
Compute Lineation Properties Import DXF Lineations

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Arrow Maps: Read line endpoint coordinates from the datasheet and create a map in which lineations are represented with arrows plotted from the beginning to the ending coordinate pair. (More.)

RockWorks: Arrow maps

Lineation Maps: Read line endpoint coordinates from the datasheet and create a map in which lineations are represented using fixed or variable line styles. (More.)

RockWorks: lineation maps

Lineation Gridding Tools: Read line endpoint coordinates from the datasheet, and create a grid file that models the lineation frequency, cumulative lengths, and/or intersections, with a variety of weighting options. The resulting grid model can be illustrated as a 2D or 3D map. (More.)

RockWorks: Lineation Gridding

Rose Diagrams: These programs read directional data from the datasheet and create a rose diagram that depicts the orientations of the linear features. The plotting options in both are the same, but they have different input data formats.

RockWorks: Rose diagrams

Compute Lineation Properties: Read line endpoint coordinates from the datasheet, and compute the bearing, length, and/or midpoint of lineations. (More.)

RockWorks: Lineation Properties

Import DXF Lineations: Import line endpoints from a DXF file into the datasheet. (More.)

RockWorks: DXF Lineations

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