Setting Up Striplog Clipping

Log clipping provides a means of displaying a subset of each log's data, based on a user-entered elevation range.  This can be helpful if you have a very deep project and wish to focus a particular diagram on particular vertical subset of the data.  Note that the clipping should clip all log entities except the title.

These settings are accessible in all RockWorks options windows where the Plot Logs option is displayed - all Borehole Manager striplog, profile, section, and fence diagram windows.

2D Log Clipping
3D Log Clipping

Menu Options - 2D Log Diagrams

If you are creating a striplog cross-section (Striplogs | 2-Dimensional | Multi-Log Section) you have the option of hanging the section on a stratigraphic formation.  ! If you activate this, take note that you'll need to adjust your clipping elevations to be based on the new zero-datum elevation.

Menu Options - 3D Log Diagrams

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