Creating a Statistical Report for a Column of Values

RockWorks | Utilities | Statistics | Univariate

This program is used to calculate statistics for a single column of samples in the current datasheet. Data may be filtered out when an appropriate filter range is selected.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab. 
  2. Enter/open/import your data to be analyzed into the datasheet. 
  3. Select the Statistics | Univariate menu option. 
  4. In the displayed dialog box enter the requested information, discussed above. 
  5. Click Process to continue.

    The program will perform a variety of calculations on the user-defined range of data and display the results in a report which will include the following calculated statistics: 
  6. Once the statistics have been calculated, you may close the window, or choose to copy, save, or print the report by selecting the appropriate option at the bottom of the window.

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