Slope / Aspect Analysis

RockWorks | Utilities | Grid |
Directional Analyses | Slope/Aspect

This program is used to compute the changes in Z-values (elevations, concentrations, etc.) between neighboring nodes in an existing grid file, and store these in up to three new grid files:

Your "basic" grid file containing structural elevation values, for example, can generate a nice looking contour map from which you can determine the elevation for any particular location. Or, a grid file containing contaminant data can be used to produce a contour map illustrating the concentrations as they are distributed within a study area.

The Slope/Aspect Analysis tool can take this information one step further. A slope grid can tell you the steepness of a tightly-contoured structural face, and an aspect grid can inform you of the direction it is facing. Its second-derivative grid can tell you how quickly a contaminant's concentration changes in space.

The grid files that result from the Slope/Aspect Analysis utility can be used to create the directional maps also available from the Grid menu.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

This program requires that a real number RockWorks grid model already exists.

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab so that you can see the Grid menu. It is not necessary to open a datasheet.
  2. Select the Grid | Directional Analyses | Slope/Aspect Analysis menu option.
  3. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  4. Click the Process button to proceed.

The program will read the source grid file, and compute the following (as requested)


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