Adding New Data Groups in RockPlot3D

RockPlot3D | Edit | Add New Group

Use this RockPlot3D tool to add groups to the data listing, for the purpose of organizing the entities in the current view.

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Select the RockPlot3D | Edit | Add New Group tool.
  2. The program will insert a new group appropriately titled "New Group" to the top of the data listing.

  1. While the group name is highlighted in edit mode, you can simply type in a name for the group. Or, you can always right-click on the group name and choose Edit Title to type in a new name.
  2. Now you can drag-and-drop any of the available data items into the new group.

Here's an example of how you might re-organize a complicated RockPlot3D view using new data groups.

See also

Back to RockPlot3D Data Items

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