Adding a Legend to an Existing RockPlot3D Image

RockPlot3D | Edit | Add Legend

Step-by-Step Summary

Follow these steps to add a legend to an image already displayed in RockPlot3D. 

  1. Select the Edit | Add Legend command. From the pop-up menu, choose the type of legend you want to insert.
  2. In the Legend section of the data pane, you'll see the new item inserted.

    If you added a color legend, it will be called "New Legend". You’ll also see a generic legend in the View pane, also labeled "New Legend."

  1. To adjust the name of the color legend (you probably don't want "New Legend"), right-click on the New Legend item in the data pane, and choose Edit Title from the pop-up menu.

  1. To adjust other legend settings, right-click on the legend in the data pane and choose Options from the pop-up menu. (You can also double-click on the legend item in the data pane.)  This includes left- or right-positioning of the legend in the display, the color scheme, etc.  See Adjusting the RockPlot3D Legend Settings for information.
  2. Click the Apply button at any time to view the effect of your changes on the legend. You may need to drag the Options window out of the way to view the display. You do not need to close the Legend Options window to apply and see the changes.
    ! Using the Apply button tells the program to invoke the changes you have made. You cannot discard changes once they have been applied. 
  3. Click the Close button to close the Legend Options window.

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