Creating Rose Diagrams from Bearing Measurements

RockWorks | Utilities | Linears | Rose Diagram | From Bearings

This program reads bearing data (in azimuth degrees or quadrant) and generates a directional diagram that depicts the orientations of the linear features.  See also Creating Rose Diagrams from Endpoint Data.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Utilities program tab.
  2. Create a new datasheet and enter/import your lineation bearings into the datasheet.
    Or, open one of the sample files and replace that data with your own. (In the Samples folder, an example file = "\RockWorks17 Data\ Samples\Rose_Diagram_from_Bearings_01.rwDat".)
  3. Select the Utilities | Linears | Rose Diagram | From Bearings menu option.
  4. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  5. Click the Process button to proceed.

The program will generate a rose diagram that depicts the orientations of the linear features based on the input data and plotting parameters.  The diagram will be displayed in a RockPlot2D tab in the Options window.

  1. You can adjust any of the options along the left and click the Process button to regenerate the diagram.
    Each time you click the Process button, the existing display will be replaced. 
  2. View / save / manipulate / print / export the diagram in the RockPlot2D window.

See also

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