Printing ReportWorks Documents

ReportWorks | File | Print

You can output the image contained in a ReportWorks document to your printer using the Print command (File menu). 

! It is assumed that you've already established the page layout prior to designing and printing, since the page will be printed as it is displayed in the ReportWorks screen.

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Open an existing ReportWorks document or create a new document as necessary.
  2. Double-check the page's layout using the File | Page Setup option.
  3. To print the document, choose File | Print.
  4. Your current printer's dialog box will be displayed.  The options that are available will vary from depending on printer type. Typically, you would click the Properties or Options button to access your printer's settings, such as page size and orientation.
  5. To send the document to the printer, click the OK button in the Print window.


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