Creating Project Subsites

Project Folder menu


Subsites are designed to permit users to viewi and model small areas within a larger project. By creating subsites, it is possible to still have all of the boreholes within a single database rather than creating separate RockWorks project databases.

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Click on the Subsite button to the right of the Project Folder name. When initially clicked,a pull-down menu will appear showing two options.

  1. Click the Edit Subsites option. You will see the following window:

  1. To create a new subsite, click on the Add button.

  1. Enter the Subsite's Name: Type in a name for the Subsite.

  2. Click OK. The subsite name will be shown (see item #1 below), and the subsite dimensions may be manually edited within the Grid & Model Dimensions portion (item #2 below) of the menu.


  1. Establish the Subsite dimensions. There are several ways to do this:

  2. Use the Notes tab within the Subsite menu to add miscellaneous notes, including images, relating to the subsite (see example below).

  3. Click the OK button to accept the Subsite dimensions and notes.

    You will be prompted if the boreholes outside the new subsite should be disabled

  4. Disable all of the boreholes outside of the subsite "name" dimensions?
  5. Once the subsites have been defined, switching between them, or switching back to the full project dimensions, is simply a matter clicking on the Subsite pulldown and picking the desired site.

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