Creating a 3D Triangulated Fault Surface

RockWorks | Utilities | Grafix |
3D Utilities | Fault Polylines -> Fault Surface

Use this program to generate a triangle mesh based on two or more polylines that represent contours along a fault surface.  These surfaces are for visualization only. See the Fault menu tools for generating 3D fault tables for modeling.


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Step-by-Step Summary

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Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab.
  2. Open a data file that contains a listing of polyline XYZ coordinates. 
  3. Select the Grafix | 3D Utilities | Fault Polylines -> Fault Surfaces menu option.
  4. Enter the requested menu settings, listed above.
  5. Click the Process button to continue.

The program will read the listed polylines and resample each such that every polyline has the same number of vertices. It will then construct triangles between adjacent contours, filling them as requested.  The completed diagram will be displayed in a RockPlot3D tab in the options window.

  1. You can adjust any of the diagram options in the pane to the left and then click the Process button again to regenerate the 3D image.

    ! Each time you click the Process button, the existing display will be replaced. 

  2. View / manipulate the image in RockPlot3D.

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