Converting Colors

RockWorks | Utilities | Grafix | Color Converter

This program is used to translate colors between a variety of different formats:  RGB, Hexadecimal, Decimal (Windows 32-bit) integers, RockWare color names (from the Color Names table), and Munsell colors (from the Color Names table).  Since RockWorks stores colors using the Decimal (Windows 32-bit) integer method, you can use the Color Converter program to determine the Windows integer value for any color in the color palette.  This can be helpful if you are defining symbol colors, for example, in an Excel spreadsheet for import into the Borehole Manager, or for determining a Windows color for a known RGB sample.

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Utilities program tab.
  2. Select the Grafix | Color Converter menu option.
  3. Define the known color which you wish to translate.  (Enter only one of the possibilities.)
  4. When you're ready to translate the known color, entered into one of the options listed above, to all of the others, click the green arrow button. 

The program will translate the color to the other formats and display them next to the prompts.  Note that for the Color Name and Munsell options, the closest possible color will be displayed.

In addition, the programwill copy the currently selected Windows 32-bit color number to the Windows clipboard so that selected colors can be copied back to other applications. (In other words, we figure that you're using this program to look up a color for some other RockWorks application.)

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