Drawing Fence Diagram Panels

Model-based Fences: These are available within the RockWorks Borehole Manager'sLithology, Stratigraphy, I-Data, T-Data, P-Data, Fractures, Aquifers and Colors menus. They are used to display one or more vertical slices from the inside of a solid, stratigraphy, or aquifer model, to illustrate lithology distribution, stratigraphic or water level elevations, fracture proximity, or geochemical/geophysical values. 

A Fence tool is also available within the RockWorks | Utilities | Solid menu, to slice an existing solid model containing any type of data.

Selecting the Fence Panel Locations
Importing/Exporting the Fence Panel Locations

Selecting the Fence Panel Locations

  1. Select the Fence tool from the Lithology, Stratigraphy, I-Data, T-Data, P-Data, or other menu.
  2. Establish the diagram-specific settings using the options which are listed in the left side of the program dialog.
  3. Click on the Fence Selection Map tab that's displayed to the right of the options.

It will display the well locations in the Fence Diagram Configuration window as a plan-view map, with boring name and symbol color tied to each well. Any previous lines drawn for this project will also be displayed on the map.  (Note: if you are using the Solid | Fence tool, only the project boundaries will be displayed.)

  1. To accept the existing fence panel arrangement, simply click the Process button at the bottom of the window to proceed with diagram generation.
  2. To clear the current display to start over, click the Clear button at the top of the window, or choose the Edit | Clear option in the data window.
  3. To draw a new fence panel or to add a new panel to the existing display, you have some options:

Importing/Exporting the Fence Panel Locations

  1. Imported endpoints: If you have a list of specific locations where you need the panels to be drawn, you can import these into the panel endpoint table to the right. 

  2. To export the current fence panel endpoints (for future use, for scripting, etc.):
  3. Click the Process button to accept the panel arrangement.


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