Step 1: Select the LAS File to Import

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Start up RockWorks as necessary, and open the project folder you'll be working with.
  2. Back up the project database (File | Backup Database) if you wish.
  3. Select the File | Import | LAS | One File menu option.

The first import window is used to specify the name of the file to be imported:

  1. LAS Filename: Click on the open-button on the right side of this prompt to locate the LAS file to be imported, and click OK in the file open window to select it.

The program will scan the LAS file, and will list the header information in the reference window in the import dialog box.

  1. Select:  Choose which of the well information values are to be imported by inserting a check in the check-box by the item's name. Those fields to be ignored can be left blank.  You can use the All or None buttons to easily select or clear all of the check-boxes.
    ! The information in this section will vary from file to file.  Only the STRT, STOP, STEP, and NULL fields are required in the LAS format. You may see only these fields, or a lot more.
    ! The first Name field is important.  The Value you see will have been pulled from the LAS file's API number, or Unique Well Identifier, or other type of name field. As noted below, you'll have a chance to change the name record for this data.
  2. Field Name: Choose where the selected items are to be imported, by clicking on the cell in the Field Name column and choosing an option from the pop-up menu.  Each item can be placed into a specific field in the Location table, or simply added to the comments.  Fields can be queried while comments cannot.

  3. Click on the Next button.

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