Importing gINT Files into the Borehole Manager

Borehole Manager | File | Import | gINT

This program is used to import data from the gINT software program into the Borehole Manager database.  This program requires the following:

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Outside RockWorks, use gINT's Utilities tools to build the Correspondence file.  This will map the gINT database tables to a RockWorks text import format.
  2. Access the RockWorks Borehole Manager program tab.
  3. Open the project folder (if necessary) in which the well records are to be created.
  4. Select the File | Import | gINT menu option.
  5. Enter the menu options, described above.
  6. Click Process at the bottom of the options window.
  7. The program will launch the gINT program in the background.  It will display several prompts.
    1. Select the gINT project file (.gpg) for the data to be imported.
    2. Select the gINT correspondence file (*.gcx) that you have created.
  8. RockWorks will then display its standard field mapping window for text files.  You'll use this window to define which data fields go where in RockWorks. Click here to jump to that discussion.

* Troubleshooting

If you are using gINT v8i or later, you may need to follow these steps to import your data into RockWorks

  1. In gINT, use the Utilities tools to build the Correspondence file.  This will map the gINT database tables to a RockWorks text import format.
  2. In gINT, use the File | Export RockWorks menu option to export the data to a text file.
  3. In RockWorks, use the File | Import | Text menu option to import the resulting file.

See also:

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