Tutorial: Create a 3D Stike and Dip Map in Google Earth

Estimated time: 3 minutes.

In this lesson, you will load a dataset that has X and Y location coordinates, altitude above ground, strike and dip measurements at those sites, and radius, thickness and color values. You will create a map in which disk symbols are placed at the map locations, scaled in size and color.

  1. Return to the RockWorks program window (you can leave Google Earth open if you just completed the Cone Map lesson).
  2. Return to the Project Manager program tab, and, under the Datasheet Files heading, look for the "Planes_Earth_Strike_Dip_Disks_Japan.RwDat" sample file. Double-click on this file name to open it into the datasheet.
  3. Click on the Utilities | Planes menu, and select Google Earth Strike & Dip Disks.
  4. Data Columns: In these prompts, be sure the following columns are selected.
  5. Directionality:
  6. Disk Attributes: Click this tab to set up the disk appearance.
  7. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the window.

    RockWorks will create a KML file listing the disks at the point locations, at the indicated orientation and dip angle, using the color and size you've specified in the datasheet. It will create a KMZ (zip) file containing the KML file.

    The resulting map will be displayed in Google Earth, if requested. Be patient - this file might take a moment or two to load. The "Disks" group will be listed under Temporary Places on the left side of the Google Earth display.

  8. Use your navigation tools in Google Earth to zoom in/out of the map area.
  9. If you would like to save this map, right-click on the "Disks" heading under Temporary Places and choose Save to My Places.
  10. You can leave the Google Earth window open if you like.

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