Export the Lithology Types to the RockWorks Datasheet

Use the Lithology Types Table's File | Export to Datasheet tool to export the keyword information to the RockWorks datasheet. This can be helpful if you want to run a statistics report on a lithology model (Solid | Statistics menu).

  1. Open your project's Lithology Types Table.
  2. Select the File | Export to Datasheet option.
    RockWorks will list a copy of the Types table in the datasheet, in the same row order and with the correct column formatting (for text, patterns, etc.).
  3. Click OK to close the table.
  4. If you want to save this version of your Types table, choose File | Save, and save the contents as an "RwDat" file.

These tab-delimited columns list (1) the keyword name, (2) the density, (3) the G-Value for the lithotype, (4) the pattern index number/pattern density/background color/foreground color, and (5) fill percentage. Here's an example:

If you want to run a statistical report on an existing lithology model, you can use this listing as the source for the G-Value column.

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