Export a Solid Model to a Groundwater Vistas Zone File
RockWorks | ModOps | Solid | Export | Solid to GWV Zone

Lithology models (or other block models composed of a limited number of "g" values defining material type) can be used to define zones in a Groundwater Vistas MODFLOW model. In order to do this, you need to:

This document describes broadly the RockWorks menu settings. For a detailed description of the file types and how to generate them, please refer to the separate topic, Using RockWorks to Define Layer Elevations, Zones and Matrix Values in Groundwater Vistas.

Feature Level: RockWorks Basic and higher

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

This program requires that a RockWorks-format solid model representing material types already exists.

  1. Select the ModOps | Solid | Export | Solid to GWV Zone menu option.
  2. Enter the requested menu options, described above.
  3. Click the Continue button at the bottom of the window to create the .RwZone file.
  4. In Groundwater Vistas, go to Props, and select the Property for which you want to import the Zone data. This will typically be Hydraulic Conductivity, but could be any type of data that is stored as zones.
  5. Then, go to Props | Import | RockWorks Zone file.
  6. Choose the .RwZone file that you created above.

This will assign a zone to each cell for the Property that is current selected (as displayed in the image at the top of this topic).

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