Add a Logo to an Existing RockPlot3D Image
RockPlot3D | Edit | Add a Logo

Follow these steps to add a graphic logo to an image already displayed in RockPlot3D. You can add multiple images.

  1. Select the Edit | Add a Logo menu option.
  2. In the Logo Options window, establish the image and placement settings. (See Adjusting the RockPlot3D Logo Settings for details.)
  3. Click Apply to apply the changes you've made. You should be able to see the image in the 3D scene (you may need to move the Options window out of the way.)
  4. When the display is to your liking, click Close to close the Options window and insert the image.

  5. To adjust the title of the logo item in the data tree, right-click on it in the data pane, and choose Edit Title from the pop-up menu. The program will highlight the "New Logo" text in the data pane. Simply type in the name to be displayed for the logo, such as "Company Logo."
  6. To adjust other image settings, right-click on the logo item in the data pane and choose Options from the pop-up menu. (You can also double-click on the logo item in the data pane.) This includes positioning of the image in the display, the size, etc. See Adjusting the RockPlot3D Logo Settings for information.

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