Combine ReportWorks Documents
ReportWorks | File | Append

ReportWorks permits you to combine multiple .rwRpt files using the File | Append option. This can be a handy way to append a standard company legend (for example) to your layouts.

  1. If necessary, open the .rwRpt file to which another file is to be appended. (See Open a ReportWorks File.)
  2. Select File | Append.
  3. In the displayed window, locate the existing .rwRpt file to append to the current view, click on its name to highlight it, and click OK.
  4. The program will load the data items from the selected file and display them in the current view.
  5. If you wish to save this new view, choose File | Save to save it under the same file name as the original scene, or File | Save As to assign the combined scene a new name. (See Save ReportWorks Files.)

! Be warned that if you have images in your ReportWorks documents, and if you share the documents across different projects, you might consider embedding the images so that file paths don't get messed up. See the discussion of embedding versus linking in the drawing tools topics (RockWorks, raster, geo-raster).


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