Pick Lithology Intervals Part 2: Using the Picker

Step 6: Pick the First Material Type

The Lithology Picker window will be comprised of four main sections:

The process of picking the intervals is as simple as (1) selecting the material to be recorded, in the Lithotype pane and (2) clicking on each log where that material type appears present, in the graphic pane. The program will record the depths in the lower table. Here's a more detailed step-by-step:

  1. If the logs appear too squashed for good visibility, adjust the Vertical Exaggeration at the top of the window. You can also adjust the size of the window, as well as the panes within the window by dragging on the pane boundaries and dragging.
  2. Select the first lithology type you wish to pick by inserting a check in its check-box in the upper-right window.
  3. To mark the top of this interval you will click the left mouse button at the point on the first log where you think that material's top would lie.
  4. Now, mark the place on the same log where that material's base would be.
  5. The program will post those depths - top and base - in the data table, for that borehole.

    RockWorks: Lithology Picker

  6. At this time, you can continue selecting that material’s interval tops and bases on the same log or in the remaining logs.
  7. The program will post all picked depths to the data listing.

RockWorks: Lithology Picker

Step 7: Pick the next lithotype.

  1. When you are ready to pick another rock type, click on that lithotype in the listing on the upper-right. It will be shown as active, with a check-mark.
    ! Note that it does not matter the order you pick the lithotypes from log to log, nor within the current hole.
  2. Click the interval top and base in any of the logs. Note how the lithology color will be displayed as as a reference.
  3. The program will post the depths in the proper columns for the selected log.

    RockWorks: Lithology Picker

  4. Continue picking the selected lithotype on the current log, and on any other logs where it's present.
  5. When you're ready, choose the next material type to be picked, and continue in this manner for as many rock types and logs you wish to define.


Step 8: End the session

  1. When you are ready to terminate the session, click on the Exit button.
  2. The program will ask you whether the database is to be updated with the intervals recorded here.
  3. The program will close the Picker, discarding or saving the data as requested.

Lithology picker - what next?

Now that you have the lithology intervals defined, use the Striplogs menu tools to create 2D and 3D views of the data as listed in the database (RockWorks Basic +). Use the Lithology menu tools to interpolate a solid model of the lithology types generate diagrams - 3D models, profiles, cross-sections, fence diagrams, etc. (RockWorks Standard +).

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