Import Laser Atlanta Data

RockWorks | Datasheet | File | Import | Laser Atlanta (Survey Data)

This program is used to import data from Laser Atlanta survey devices. The import will generate a datasheet with ID, symbols, and X, Y, Z coordinates.

It requires a known instrument location (in X,Y,Z) and an ASCII-format Laser Atlanta file, or a Trimble Pro XL file. This tool assumes that the distance units in the Laser Atlanta file (feet, meters, yards, etc.) are the same units that you declare for the known XYZ point.

Feature Level: RockWorks Basic and higher

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary


  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. To import the data into a new RockWorks datasheet, select the File | New | Blank menu option. Answer "Yes" or "No" as appropriate if you are prompted whether to save any existing data that's displayed in the RockWorks window.

    Or, to append to an existing datasheet, use the File | Open command as necessary to open that existing RwDat file, and skip down to the File | Import step, below. Be sure, also, to set the Starting Row and Point ID’s (described above) as appropriate for the existing data.
  3. Select the File | Import | Laser Atlanta menu option.
  4. Enter the requested menu settings, described above.
  5. Click the Continue button to proceed with the import.

RockWorks will read the Laser Atlanta ASCII file and compute the X, Y, and Z coordinates for the survey points and record them in the RockWorks datasheet.


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