Importing Garmin GPS Data into the RockWorks Datasheet
RockWorks | Datasheet | File | Import | Garmin TXT

This program is used to import the data from Garmin MapSource "txt" files into the RockWorks datasheet. In the process, the program will convert the longitude/latitude positions to UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the RockWorks Datasheet program tab.
  2. Select the File | Import | Garmin TXT option.
  3. Enter the program settings, as described above.
  4. Click the yellow Process button to proceed with the import.

    The program will read the input file, translate the coordinates using the defined projection, and record the information into the datasheet.

  5. Save the imported data (File | Save).

Tips: The imported data can be mapped using many of the Map menu programs, including Point Symbol and Triangulation Contours:


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