Distance to Point Gridding

This gridding method simply assigns each grid node a value equal to the distance to the closest control point. The distance is recorded in your X,Y map units.

Advantages: This method can be used to illustrate confidence in a data set by representing the distance from any node to the closest drill hole.

Disadvantages: This algorithm does not illustrate the data itself, just the proximity of the nodes to the data.

Example of use: Run a distance-to-point grid through a Boolean filter, setting those nodes with too-high value (e.g. those too distant from control points, based on your own opinion of what that distance may be) to "0" and all other nodes to "1". Multiply a real number isopach grid model by that Boolean grid to zero-out those areas of low confidence from volume computations.

Note: This algorithm is NOT intended for modeling structural surfaces or thickness values.

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