Planar (Strike and Dip) Data

Strike and dip measurements can be entered into the RockWorks datasheet for the purposes of creating strike and dip maps, stereonet diagrams, and computing planar intersections, structure grids, and more. There are a variety of ways you can structure these files, depending on your desired output.

This example lists site-specific strike and dip measurements, with strike shown in azimuth bearings. These data could be displayed as a strike and dip map or stereonet diagram, analyzed for planar intersections, interpolated into a structural surface, etc.

Column Summary

This example lists site-specific strike and dip measurements, with strike shown in quadrant format.

Column Summary

This example lists strike and dip measurements with no X,Y location coordinates. This setup could be used to create stereonet diagrams, with specific symbols for the samples.

Column Summary


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