Import Depth-Registered Raster Logs
Borehole Manager | File | Import | Raster Logs

Use this program to import into the borehole database depth-registered raster logs for new wells or existing wells. Supported file types are:

The images are listed in the well's Bitmaps table, automatically depth-registered based on the data in the import file.

  1. Start up RockWorks as necessary, and open the project folder containing the database into which the imported raster logs are to be imported and stored.
  2. Back up the project database (File | Backup Database) if you wish.
  3. Select the File | Import | Raster Logs menu option.
  4. Browse for the name of the file to be imported.

The program will identify whether the well exists in the database and, if so, will add the image and depth data to the Bitmaps table. If the well does not yet exist in the project database, it will create the well record and add the image and depth data to the Bitmaps table.

! If this is a new well, coordinate, elevation, and total depth fields will need to be entered by you.


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