Export Borehole Data to a Text File

RockWorks | Borehole Manager | File | Export | Multiple Tables | Text

This Borehole Manager program will export selected/all data tables for selected/all boreholes to a text file, each RockWorks data table a separate block within the output file. The format of any real numbers in the exported file (123,456,789.00 versus 123.456.789,00) will match the format you have defined in the Windows control panel.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Open the project to be exported, if necessary.
  2. Access the Borehole Manager program tab.
  3. Select the single borehole or enable the specific boreholes to be exported if you won't be exporting for all.
  4. Choose the File | Export | Multiple Tables | Text menu option.
  5. Enter the requested menu options, listed above.
  6. Click the Continue button to proceed.

The program will create a single text file with separate data blocks, for the selected holes and data types.

! This output file has the same format as that required for importing text data into the Borehole Manager database; see the links below for formatting information.

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