Import Keyword Files from Older Versions of LogPlot

Use the Keyword Editor's File | Import | LogPlot7 menu option to import keywords from .KEY files used in LogPlot7, LogPlot2005, LogPlot2003, or LogPlot2001.

  1. Open the Keyword Editor via LogPlot8's Options | Keyword Editor menu option.
  2. To import a keyword file from an older version of LogPlot, click on the File button in the Keyword Editor.
  3. Select the Import option.
  4. From the pop-up menu, click the LogPlot7 option.
  5. Browse for the name of the .KEY file to import, accessing other drives and folders as necessary, and click the Open button.

    Note that the default location for LogPlot7 keyword files is Documents\LogPlot 7\System. Your files may be in a different location.

  6. You will be prompted to assign a name for the new-format file: type in the name you wish to assign to the new Keyword File (.lpkey) and click the Save button.

    Note that the default location for LogPlot8 keyword files is C:\ProgramData\RockWare\LogPlot8, but you may choose a different location as you wish.

LogPlot will load the contents of the selected keyword file into the Editor. This is now considered to be the name of the active keyword file, and the name will be displayed in the title bar at the top of the Keyword Editor window. The program will use this keyword file during compiling of logs, and this file will be listed as default under Options | System Files.


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