Open a Sample Data File

Time: 2 minutes

  1. To return to the Data Editor window, click on the Data Editor tab to bring it to the front.

  2. Open a sample data file by locating the file "Lithology1.dat" in the Data section of the Project Manager, and double-clicking on it.

    LogPlot data files have extensions ".ldat8".

    The program will display the file's datasheets with separate data "tabs" arranged vertically along the left edge of the data editor window. Each tab has a picture that describes what kind of data it contains, and each is labeled with that datasheet's "name." These names correspond to the Design file's entity names. That's how the program will know to plot the lithologic data named "Lithology" into the pattern column also named "Lithology." The program doesn't care what you name the data and design items, you just need to be sure that matching items have matching names.

  3. Click on the BH Info tab.

    The BH Info datasheet is the only one of all of the different types of datasheets which is required. It lists the top and bottom depth of the borehole, and (if you have them) the well's X and Y location coordinates and surface elevation. This datasheet can also contain handy comments such as which log design file to use, and what vertical scale to set. There is only one BH Info datasheet in each data file, automatically inserted by the program.

  4. Click on the Lithology tab.

    This datasheet contains depth intervals (top and bottom), a lithologic "keyword" for that interval, and an extended description that you might have (not required). "Keywords" are comprised of one or more words and are used to link the description to a rock pattern.

  5. Double-click on the first row's Keyword cell that contains the word "DOLOSTONE".

    LogPlot will display the Keyword Selector window. Here LogPlot will display all of the keywords in the current "Keyword file." The keyword "DOLOSTONE" should be highlighted, with its current pattern shown at the top. This window is used to select keywords, and to access the Keyword Editor where you can create new keywords, change patterns for the keywords, etc.

  6. Click the Close button to close the Keyword Selector window.
  7. Click on the data tab labeled "E-TEXT".

    "E-Text" stands for "Edit-text". This is text that is plotted in the header or footer of the log, and specifically text that changes from log to log. This can be used to specify the date, driller name, project name, etc. This particular datasheet contains a single entry for this log, specifying the Logger as "Sam Peabody."


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