Turning off Unused Stratigraphy Types

Use the Stratigraphy Types Table's Edit | Turn Off Unused Stratigraphy tool to scan the borehole database and turn off those formations not currently referenced in the project database.  This can be a handy way to keep unused formation names from being displayed in diagram legends, to reduce the number of formation names linked to the stratigraphy data tables, and to flag those types that can be deleted from the Types Table.

! The unused formations will not be removed from the Table, but simply listed without a check-mark in the Show in Legend column.

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Open your project's Stratigraphy Types Table.
  2. Select the Edit | Turn Off Unused Stratigraphy option.

The program will scan the project's Stratigraphy data tables to determine which types are referenced there.  All un-referenced formations will be shown without checkmarks from the Show in Legend column in the Stratigraphy Types Table.

  1. At this point you can close the Stratigraphy Types Table (choose File | Exit) and continue your work.
    Or, you can delete any unused formation names by clicking in each row and typing Ctrl+Del (or right-clicking and choosing Rows | Delete).

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