Exporting the Aquifer Types to an ASCII FIle

Use the Aquifer Types Table's File | Export tool to export the aquifer names and other information to an ASCII (text) file.  This can be helpful if you want to share the listing with another user.

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Open your project's Aquifer Types Table.
  2. Select the File | Export to an ASCII File option.
  3. Browse for the folder where you want to store the text version of your table.
  4. In the File Name prompt, type in a name for the text table, and click OK.  The default file name extension is "tab", but you can choose "txt" from the Save as Type list.

The program will read the contents of the Aquifer Types Table and store the information in a row and tab-delimited column format, as shown below.

Upper Aquifer   20/2/16776960/16711680/1    100  1  1
Lower Aquifer   20/2.5/16744576/8388863/1   100  1  2
Middle Aquifer  20/2.5/16711680/12632256/1  100  1  3

These tab-delimited columns list (1) the aquifer name, (2) the pattern index number/pattern density/background color/foreground color, (3) fill percent (not used in RockWorks), (4) density (not used in RockWorks), and (5) aquifer order.  (In case you are wondering, the "not used" columns simply maintain consistency with the other types tables in RockWorks, such as Stratigraphy and Lithology.)

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