Exporting RockPlot3D Images to a PNG Format

RockPlot3D | File | Export | PNG

Use RockPlot3D's PNG export tool to create PNG-format images of the current 3D view, at any resolution. This type of Portable Network Graphics bitmap was created specifically for the internet and other networks, and offers high color support and good compression.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. If necessary, open the Rw3D file you wish to export. (See Opening a RockPlot3D View.) 
  2. Adjust the image view to your satisfaction. This includes, but is not limited to, the rotation angle, zoomed-in state, vertical exaggeration, etc. This is important because the bitmap will be captured from the current 3D View.
  3. Select the Export command from the File menu. A pop-up menu will display the export options. Select the PNG option. 
  4. Enter the requested menu options, described above.
  5. Click OK to proceed.

The program will store on disk the current image in a PNG format, at the requested resolution.

The PNG file cannot be opened directly into RockPlot3D. It can be placed into a ReportWorks document. It can also be opened into most applications that read and manipulate bitmap-type images, and even into some drawing-style programs. The PNG image can also be inserted into a variety of different types of documents, such as a Microsoft Word DOC file. 

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