Consolidating Lithology Intervals

RockWorks | Borehole Manager | Striplogs | Consolidate Lithology

This program is used to consolidate contiguous lithologic intervals with identical keywords into a single interval. This utility is primarily designed for users who are importing data from other programs that store data at uniform intervals.  The benefit is that striplogs will be displayed with fewer pattern/color divisions.

! IMPORTANT NOTE Beware that if you have any extended descriptions listed to the right of the keywords, only the first description of the consolidated interval will be retained.

RockWare RockWorks lithology consolidate


Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Borehole Manager program tab. 
  2. Enter/import your data into the Borehole Manager. This tool specifically reads lithology data.
  3. Back up your database using the File | Backup Database option.  This offers a means of restoring the original data, should you not be pleased with the results of the consolidation.
  4. Select the Borehole Manager | Striplogs | Consolidate Lithology menu option. 
  5. Enter the requested menu items, described above
  6. Click the Process button to continue. 

RockWorks will search for instances of sequential listings of the same lithology material keywords in the selected boreholes, and will merge them into a single interval.  The resulting data will be saved in the Lithology table in the database.

One of the side-benefits of this utility is that striplogs will have fewer extraneous breaks.

RockWare RockWorks lithology consolidate

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