Entering Well Construction Data

The Borehole Manager’s Well Construction table is used to enter depth intervals and well material "keywords" for display as a Well Construction diagram on striplogs. In addition, the user declares the inner and outer diameter for the materials for correct representation of width. The construction "keywords" are associated with graphic patterns just like lithologic keywords, and are easily selected from the data tab. In addition you can specify an "offset" from well center, enabling you to display two separate borings in a single Well Construction diagram.

The Well Construction data tables link to the Well Construction Type Table where the material types are defined.

Accessing the Well Construction Table

  1. Access the Borehole Manager
  2. Create a new project as necessary.
  3. Create a new well if necessary, or click on the existing well to be edited.
  4. Click on the Well Construction table for the well.

Well Construction Data Fields

These instructions are for hand-entering the data; please see the links at the end of this topic for other options.

Depth datum


See also


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