Querying the Borehole Database - Simple Query

Borehole Manager | View | Filter Boreholes

Use the Filter Boreholes tool to query all boreholes in the current project using one or more filters - such as a rectangular map area, specific stratigraphic formations, or specific Location table fields - and disable those boreholes that don't meet all of the criteria. This is a basic "AND" type of filter: each of the boreholes for which every criterion is true will be enabled and the remaining boreholes will be disabled.

Here is a cartoon that shows how the entire database is filtered based on two parameters, and only those wells where the criteria overlap result as enabled.

There is a preview window to the right where project boreholes are displayed in red, if currently enabled.  Disabled boreholes can be invisible or shown in gray. Clicking the Apply button will leave the dialog box open but update the database using the selected filters and update the preview window.

Menu Options
Step-by-Step Summary

Menu Options

Step-by-Step Summary

  1. Access the Borehole Manager.
  2. Open the project folder you want to work with.
  3. Select the View | Filter Boreholes menu option. You'll see all of the currently-enabled boreholes in the preview map to the right. You'll see disabled holes also, if that option is checked.
  4. Select the first filter you wish to use.
  5. You can click Apply to see the holes for which this setting is true, or you can continue to select additional filters.
  6. Select any additional filters you wish to use.
  7. You can click Apply each time to see which holes meet the increasing criteria. Or you can just Apply the filters once all are set.

Only those holes which meet all of the criteria will be enabled. Any holes which do not will be disabled.

  1. Click OK to close this window and return to the Borehole Manager, with these holes enabled.
    Or, click Cancel to cancel any filters since the last Apply was done.


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